Low Ash Metallurgical (LAM) Coke

Metallurgical coke is a carbon material resulting from the manufactured purification of multifarious blends of bituminous coal.

Coke is made by destructive distillation of a blend of selected Bituminous coals (called Coking coal or Metallurgical coal) in special high temperature ovens in the absence of oxygen until a greater part of the volatile matter is driven off. The resulting product, COKE, consists principally of Carbon with sizes ranging from basketballs (foundry coke) to fine powder (coke breeze).

Coke is primarily used to smelt iron ore and other bearing materials in blast furnaces, acting both as a source of heat and as a chemical reducing agent to produce pig iron or hot metal.

Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (Met Coke) is required for metallurgical and chemical industries and is used as the primary fuel where high temperature and uniform heating is required. The industrial consumers of LAMC include integrated steel plants, industry/foundries producing Ferro Alloys, Pig Iron, Engineering Goods, Chemicals, Soda Ash and Zinc units etc.

Our products are principally used as raw material and processing agent in Blast Furnaces of steel plants and cement industries. We also supply to Corex plants. Some industries use our product in their cupola foundries, electric arc furnaces, etc. Some plants procure Dry Coke using in SMP for smooth and uniform charging in Lancing Tubes.

Parameter Value
Size 30 to 70 MM
Moisture (%) 5
VM (%) 2.0 to 3.0
FC (%) 84.0 to 86.0
Sulphur (%) 0.5